Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a gloomy day today! If only I didn't have to work, I could stay in my PJ's with my coffee and a book, and life would be perfection. Ah, well. At least the house is clean and laundry is going. Phil and I had a hibernation weekend. Leaving only to get essentials, we kept phone calls to a minimum and he played a lot of video games, I read 3 books, and we watched a lot of movies and slept until eleven. It was lovely.
I was thinking a lot this weekend about my resolution of 'simplicity and peace.' I've been doing pretty well at it actually, listening when my brain is telling me 'this is TOO much!', doing one thing at a time, and trying to soak up each moment as it comes. It seems that along with this new peace, however, I'm finding some people intolerable. People who seem to love to surround themselves in chaos, drama, gossip, and conflict. Everyone seems out to get them, and nothing is good enough for them.
Maybe intolerable is the wrong word. I feel sorry for them, and I pity them. It's so unfortunate that they can't see the beauty in anything. They will never be happy with themselves. And because of this, they lash out and blame others for their unhappiness.
I understand that no one is perfect, and everyone has bad days. But I wonder, could I live my life seeing only darkness, having friends and relationships not based on any true connection, but on a common hatred for others and life? I don't think I could.
So, where do you draw the line? Do you completely cut these 'toxic' people from your life? Or do you just hold them at a distance? When do you have to stop trying to 'see the good in everyone,' and realize some people in this world just don't have good in them?
That is an answer I just don't have. Suggestions welcome.

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