Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm such a lucky lady!!

I was thinking a lot about our upcoming move today. A year ago, I would be high-tailing it out of here without one look back. And don't get me wrong, I'll be excited to get out of here. Not for the same reasons I once thought, though. I've aquired a little family of my own down here; and it will be a sad day when I have to say good bye to them. It's so comforting in a world that spins so fast you feel like your head may fall off, to know you have people that are constants, who will always be there, who see you standing on their doorstep with more personal baggage than one would like to admit, and invite you in, baggage and all.
I am so lucky to have a few of these people in my life. Who can know what I mean by just one word, or a look, or my silence. Who will take my side even before I get my story out. People that know how I take my coffee, and know my favorite authors. People who know all my secrets, and will never tell. People who also carry ziploc bags full of product in their purse. People who know that I have a love obsession with Anne Taintor, Coach, Starbucks, Tiffany's, Sephora, Friends DVD's, black and white pictures, and romance novels. People who know my imperfections, and try to convince me they're perfection. People who have seen me without make up and have not run away screaming. People who know how many candles I have in my house and don't judge me.
I love these people. They are my true treasure in life.

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