Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Year, New Me

I'm starting this blog as part of a New Year's Resolution to myself. I'm still a bit skeptical of this whole blog thing, so we'll see how it goes. I used to journal quite a bit, and I no longer seem able to stick with that. So there you have it.
This past year it seems I lost a bit of myself. I used to feel very connected to myself; very sure of who I was and what I wanted out of life. So my goal for this year is to find me. I'd very much like to know 'her' again. What are my interests? What are my beliefs? My morals? My goals? All questions I would like answered by the end of this year.
When and where did I lose me? Another good question I ponder almost daily. When my darn anxiety first kicked in? When I got married? When I moved away? When my husband deployed? When he came back? As you can see, I have more questions than answers.
So where will I get these answers? That's the BIG question.... we will see. Other resolutions this year are: simplicity (that's a biggie), learn to crochet, cut back on the smoking, learn to cook, cutting the toxic people out of my life, and connecting on a daily level with Phil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your blog with me---even though I don't get it! I feel very privleged. I don't think I could do this--it requires too much of a commitment. Even though I am 25yrs. older than you I have many of the same questions you posted--what are my interests, my beliefs, my morals, & my goals? As far as the when & the where did I lose me--oh my god can I say it!!!--when I hit perimenopause? When you got married? When I was diagnosed with breast cancer--no, I was wierd before that! When Molly went away to college? Or was it way back during my mental illness days and my stay at camp? Who knows! I think as human beings we are always changing and evolving. I think small bits of us change at different times and then all of a sudden we don't recognize ourselves anymore. Then we get confused and unsteady and we end up looking in the mirror and thinking "Hey, you don't look familiar! I see me but I don't know me! Where the fuck did I go?!" Being a person that likes to deal in answers, this can be a scary time for me. But I try to remember that sometimes in the questions lie the answers. And also that questions can be a time of growth and adventure. Questions can also be a pain in the ass!
As far as your yoga goes---I think it is great that you are trying it! But as I found it made me nauseous(stop laughing!)you may need to try some qigong(chee-gong). And, in my opinion, smoking has absolutely nothing to do with your health--it is two completely different things so you still will reap the benefits of your yoga! Also, good luck with the whole crocheting thing--my order is a pair of fingerless gloves! As for simplicity in life, I'm all for it. Life is hard so whenever we can take the easy road, get out of my way cause I like alot of speed!!
Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to read more on your wonderful blog!!!