Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's been AWHILE....

Holy hills! I can't believe it's been this long since I've blogged. Since all of the two people who read this have actually COMPLAINED that they have nothing new to read, here ya go.
The move is in less than 3 weeks! I am honestly struggling to comprehend that this is actually happening. Phil and I have been anticipating this almost to the day we moved here, and now that it's actually upon us, I think we're a little sad. On our drives through town, we've been pointing out the things we'll miss, and it's a longer list than either of us expected.
So, in honor of TX, our first home as a married couple, here are a few things that I'll miss about this Lonestar state:

* There are REAL cowboys here.
* It is perfectly acceptable (and even considered charming) for women to wear baseball hats on a daily basis.
* The word "y'all." Just sounds so much better than "you guys."
* The comfort knowing that it will never be below 45 degrees for more than 24 hrs. Ever.
* One of my kindred spirits, Missy, dwells here. Enough said.
* The manners here are immpecable.
* About half this state smokes. It's quite comforting.
* And Phil gets a vote too, I suppose: golfing year round. There ya go.

Just some of the things I will miss. I remember the day Phil and I got here and we just kind of looked at each other with an 'oh shit' look in our eyes. What if we run out of money? What happens if I get horribly ill and Phil can't leave work? Who will we call if our car breaks down on the side of the road? We don't have anyone here but each other....we're ALONE.
Some time went by, we didn't run out of money, I did get ill, and our car did break down. We got through it BECAUSE we had each other. But we weren't alone. We had our dear friends who became our family. Friends who gave us rides to work, brought me coffee and tea when I was stuck at home, celebrated holidays together, and became our shopping and golfing companions. That is the one thing about leaving that pains me. I will miss them so much.
Sunday Phil and I were driving home from a wonderful day in Austin and he turns to me and says, "We're really doing all right, aren't we." Yes, Phil. We are doing just fine. Wonderful and oh so blessed, in fact.

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