Monday, April 20, 2009

Too much of anything and you start to crack...

Very true statement, and in this case I'm talking of shopping! Phil was gone all weekend, and so I thought it was the perfect time to do some shopping with my Margie (mother)! Well, we may have overdone it. Mayfair, mall, Pier 1, Stein's, Home Depot, Toys 'R Us, etc. etc. Whew!! And as result, we cracked. Laughing hysterically, clothes and make up everywhere, and what seems to be my mom's natural defense against retail: walk into a store and just stop; look as if you're pondering something extremely deep and philisophical. I'm seriously thinking of fashioning some kind of poking device to prod her along. Still a FUN FUN FUN weekend, and my balcony is pretty much furnished! We just need a bird feeder. Phil is still wondering which birds he wants to let into his precious space- as if it's some kind of exclusive club....

My parents stopped by for dinner as well; yummy subs from the Sausage Kitchen. My kind father hung my GIGANTIC windchime; I'm in constant fear that the neighbors are going to complain, but I think it's lovely.

That's about all for now; I'm a horrible blogger. A month in between posts! Yeesh!

1 comment:

margaret said...

darling daughter!!
May I say in my defense--that the "pondering something deep and philisophical" look is real as I am ALWAYS deep in thought! But you are right--sanity was lost during some of those shopping trips! But you are also right about alot of fun being had. I always tell people, "nobody can make me laugh like my girls." so often, I count myself blessed to have you and Phil back, and the time I get with Molly when she is home. You guys put up with my pre-menopausal ramblings, my sometimes bitchiness, and just general wierdness. Just remember, you are my offspring and someday these lovely behaviors could be passed to you--pleasant thought!!
Love you!!!!!