Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pocketfull of sunshine...

Went to see Molly in Minnesota this past weekend. My pure sunshine. I think it can be so hard to stand out in a sea of individuals, yet she does so effortlessly.
I see my reflection in her; we may have a similar face, but she is the balance of my scale. The free spirited realist, adventurer, seizer of life.
She was my companion in my childhood life; there is a rare memory without her in it. Good or bad. We walked hand and hand, stumbling, picking eachother up, dusting eachother off. No disappointment or judgement. Sadness, grief, dispair, joy, elation. All felt together. I'm not saying my childhood was better or worse than anyone else. Just different. And when I look back, I see her and I trying to do the same thing; figure it all out, understand, wrap our heads and hearts around it. There are many things about my past I am so grateful for. One of them is being so close with her. There is no one that has walked the same path as me, the smooth roads, the rocky ones, except her. Would we be as close if we hadn't had that? Maybe, maybe not. But I'm grateful still.
It is no longer a wonder of mine that I chose someone very much like her to spend my adult life with. To walk that same path, stumbling, picking eachother off, dusting eachother off. Where I try to ground them, they always try to pull me up; there's the balance.
She will go farther than me, I am sure of it. While I hold my circle close, hers spreads far and wide. And she will tread upon every inch of it. I am so blessed that, while our lives are so different, we still feel the same. Sadness, grief, dispair, joy, elation. All together. My road stays close to home, hers goes farther. Bittersweet. But hopefully some of our rest stops are the same. Hopefully her road always circles back here.
I am sure of this: wherever her road takes her, she always leaves a little sparkle; a little bit of pure sunshine.

1 comment:

Audrey Seitz said...

Hello dear friend! You and Molly are both sunshine to me. :) We have some serious time-spending to do together when we're back. Love you and miss you!