Thursday, February 19, 2009

A late letter of love

Sometimes I just don't realize how long I've been away from the computer! February seems to be flying; the shortest month in a hurry to be over. I did miss writing a Valentine's blog, but I do want to leave a few thoughts on that wonderful subject of 'love.'
Phil and I had a nice Valentine's Day together (he actually MADE me dinner!; something I've only done for him.....once....I'm a poor wife.) so that was very thoughtful and actually impressive on his part.
I've always had odd thoughts about love. I do believe someone may have soulmates; but not soley one. I truly believe that one person could 'make it work' with a number of people. I think it's the choice that makes it so special. The fact that Phil and I chose eachother out of many, is much more romantic to me than the idea of there being only one person on this earth for me. And I definetly think it's a choice that has to be made repeatedly over the course of time. A perfect example of this is, to me, my mother and father. To make that choice everyday, to stay, to support, to love, to endure, to struggle, to celebrate. To be. Together. That is, to me, the stuff of great novels.

I stumbled on this quote the other day:
" The bottom line is you have to choose who you are going to commit to- that's the foundation of true love." -Stephanie Meyer

Nicely put.
Happy belated Valentine's Day everyone!!

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