Monday, July 28, 2008

Stuck in the middle...

Well, it seems like Phil and I are destined to live in the 'middle' of the moving cycle; moved, but far from settled. And I'm starting to go a bit nuts...
We are still with the parents (SUCH a blessing), and our 'must haves' are crammed into a guest bedroom and a bathroom we share with my sister. All of our other stuff is in a storage facility somewhere in North Chicago. Those that know me will understand the fact that our 'things' do not have a permanent 'home' makes me want to scream.
I keep telling myself that everything will work out the way they are supposed to; all in due time. But right now I'm just itchy to get this all done with. AHHHH!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A rant?!

Wow I'm getting better at this! Look at these frequent posts just flying from my fingertips! I don't know if it's because I have PMS, or in light of certain events, or I'm just crabby, but I am mildly irritated. So I will rant and vent and then I will sleep. Lovely.
Aren't relationships funny? When I was younger, I really used to think that everyone tried to love everone else; that loved ones really were loved. Since then I have learned better, but I often still think on it. Even if you don't understand someone, or get them, or agree with them, if we love them, isn't that sometimes enough? I mean, if we go around unaccepting and sitting in judgement of others, who would take the time to accept us and love us unconditionally?
Everytime you open your mouth you carry the weight of knowing you can better someone's life, or burden it. (I had the luxury of learning this at an early age, partly because I've been in therapy since I was 9. Yes, I said luxury, and yes, I said 9). What saddened me growing up, was that many adults could not seem to grasp this little nugget of knowledge. What's even more pitiful to me now is that, some people don't want to know, or seem to not care.
What a power words hold. I think that's why I love books; words can do anything, they can lift you up, inspire you, control you, make you cry, evoke laughter, or destroy you.
Think about it:
"I love you"
"Don't eat that; you'll get fat."
"Thank you"
"Don't tell anyone, this never happened."
"You made my day"
"No one will believe you"
"You're so special to me"
"I despise you"
"I'm so proud of you"
"You're a disappointment"
Just one sentence; a few little words. I really wish people would put more stock into what comes out of their mouths. I wonder if they see how it can change people; how it can alter the course in their lives. How often it can take so much longer to get back to the way you were before those few little words were spoken.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

No excuses....

Yes, I haven't written in a LONG time. For the 2 people that actually read this and have complained, my apologies.
So, I am safe and well in Wisconsin. The move went smoothly, and I am as settled as I can be right now. We haven't moved yet; still staying with the parents, but that will come in time.
Now that I'm back here, it makes me sad to think of the time I was robbed of while I was away. My great consolation are the wonderful people that I met in TX; when I am out and about I will swear I see one of them in the grocery store, or on the street, and it saddens me that it will be a long time before I see them again, if at all.
People complain about this city, or the area; there is nothing to do or see, etc. I feel as if I was never meant to leave here, ever. It all comes back to me in a rush; the green of my parent's backyard enveloping me like a blanket, driving by the lake at night and having to stop a moment to marvel at the beauty of the moon reflecting off the water, all the little shops with their little treasures on Main St. I have missed my dad's chuckle, the way my mom's eyes constantly dance, my sister's infectious spirit. I missed seeing my mirror in their faces. I have missed my best friend's constantly pensive look; that life still does not amuse her, and the joke's up.
A military wife once said to me 'Home is wherever your husband is. So Texas right now is your home.' But she spoke falsely, at least in my eyes. That place is where we lived; this place is home.