Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What did the New Year ring in?? A computer for me!

FINALLY! After months and months of nagging Phil (why can't we just get a new computer?..why would you want to deprive me of knowledge?...you know what would be easier than ordering this by phone? ordering this on a computer...you know i could just look this up on our computer...but wait....etc.) we finally have a COMPUTER! Only those who have months and months without one can know my true joy. I am at peace.

What have we been up to, you ask? Well currently we are hibernating, because Texas truly did seem to thin our blood. I have just survived yet another holiday in retail; just starting to get back to my normal self, and not a soley running on caffeine-brain strained in a hundred places self. Phil has been up to his usual; working and playing video games. I have been relearning how to drive in the snow; which is only half true since Phil is not super supportive. Not fearfull for me I suspect, but for our car.

The biggest perk since our move by far has been seeing my family on a regular basis. It was wonderful spending the holiday with them in person, instead of by webcam. It's so nice to feel settled somewhere, instead of wondering where and when our next move will be.

Well, hopefully more soon; hopefully this post summed up my happiness about having a COMPUTER again, once more feeling the joy of the internet world.

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