Thursday, January 14, 2010

Current Obsessions

1. Looking at yoga videos, thinking about buying them, then putting them back on the shelf

2. Books- Lord of the Rings
- Harry Potter
~ Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting something else??

3. Sheepish. I can't get enough of that store!

4. Cardigans

5. awesome winter hats

6. falling in love with my book light again

7. Godiva chocolate!

Another New Year?!?!

Hello, my horribly ignored blog. I've missed you. I wish I could be more diligent with my postings, but so far that hasn't worked out. I haven't felt very 'inspired' lately, plus the holidays in retail are insane. The new year is always a weird time for me; I tend to get very frusterated. I feel like I have zero passion and no motivation. Also, the list of things to improve on may be a little too long lol. I don't think bored is the right word, but I do feel a bit stuck. I'm comfortable in my 'work' life, I'm already married but not ready to have kids.....I guess I feel like I'm in between life steps. What is there to work towards.....? Ok, that is my deep thought for this post.
On a lighter note-
The holidays passed in a blur! We got great news right before Christmas-Phil's orders got cancelled! So as of right now he's staying put. The Anderson/Bednar clan is very happy. He also had a great first semester back, and is ready to go for spring semester. How he stays sane with school, work, and the reserves is a mystery. Oh wait-I know- he has me. :)
I finished out another year at Bath and Body Works. What can I say? It's a good company, I can pretty much control my hours, and I'm lucky to have a steady job right now with the way the economy is. Will I be there forever? Who knows. But for right now, it works.
Phil has put his foot down and is insisting on taking me camping this June. Since I have never really even slept outside- I'm a bit nervous. We will see!