Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My thoughts for the week.....

1. I have a very real fear that, when I'm around my sister and mom at the same time, I will pee my pants from laughter.

2. There is not much better than going to bed knowing the house is clean, slipping into clean sheets, with clean pjs, and watching some Harry Potter. For me, anyways. :)

3. We are not ready for this move. And I'm ok with that. Really, I am!

4. I have officially broken my addiction to diet soda! I have, however, upped my dose of coffee. Does the achievement still count?

5. I'm so ready for fall. I hate summer. Truly, I do.

6. I'm in a mild panic that season 4 of Heroes is not available on Netflix on demand. Sad, really.

7. I have spent about 3 hours of my night cleaning for these anonymous people that are coming to view our apartment tomorrow. I settled on the couch, ready to reward myself with a reread of one of my favorite books, and what do I see? A small army of ants, carrying off a peanut that Phil must have dropped from his trailmix tub. Typical.

8. I truly am a sucker for music. I have wasted countless hours of my life looking up songs, listening to cds, looking up lyrics, wondering how they pertain to my life, etc.

9. I am dreading September 7th. And just to let you know, general public, you should be too.

10. I am completely out of food and shampoo. This does not concern me nearly as much as the above mentioned Heroes situation.

Happy week everyone!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


So after a brief stumble, I feel like my life is back on track. Comfortable once again in where I am, and looking forward to the place I know I'm going. Small assurances, but they're there just the same.

And life continues to move: poor Weasel got her wisdom teeth pulled (ouch!), and she goes back to college the end of the month. Mom's out of her boot (yes!). Dad's residing the house. (Wish him luck there). My friend Kirsten had her baby, Katija (I will be calling her Kat). Beautiful beautiful girl. And we will be moving into our new flat the end of this month (I secretly think Phil is a nomad).

With all this going on, my mind is in a constant race, always one step ahead of what I'm trying to do. I'm so worried of what may come, I often miss the great stuff that's happening right in front of my face! What a sad way to live. It's a behavior that I know needs to stop.

Tomorrow is Friday! (My favorite day). I'm looking forward to the Farmer's Market and Barnes and Noble and some mom time. And then Phil and my new show, Everest. Gotta love reality TV. And no worrying about what's to come. Just enjoying the day.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."